
International Danube Day

     On June 29, 2022, within the educational activity "International Danube Day" held at the Faculty of Sciences and Environment, Galati, Department of Chemistry, Physics and Environment, a group of students from the Technological High School "Simion Mehedinti" participated, coordinated by professors Mardare Mihaela and Cîșleanu Veronica.      The objectives of the activity were to make students aware of the importance of protecting water, to identify the main sources of water pollution and to find out ways to protect it.      The participants in the activity were received by the lecturer univ. dr. chim. Mihaela Timofti, who spoke to the students about the Danube - the Danube is the second longest among the rivers of Europe, after the Volga – and the only one in Europe that flows from east to west. The Danube is of particular importance, both for navigation, hydropower production, or fisheries, but also for the supply of water to industry, a...

Water test

       The activity took place at the Faculty of Sciences and Environment, Galați, Department of Chemistry, Physics and Environment. A group of students from the “Simion Mehedinți” Technological High School participated, coordinated by Mardare Mihaela and Cîșleanu Veronica.      The participants in the activity were received by the university lecturer Dr. chem. Mihaela Timofti, who spoke to students about the importance of streamlining water use, alternative methods for saving it, presented some elements of laboratory equipment: analytical balances, microscopes, pH meters, etc.      Students were also introduced to some water-related experiments: Determination of pH Determination of hardness Determination of conductivity

Environment Day

  "World Environment Day", especially known as "Environment Day", is celebrated on June 5, every year since 1972. This year marks 50 years since the ONU General Assembly established this day, to make people around the world more attentive and responsible to the environment and its (good) condition. It was activated by 10 students. Actions taken: -        Presentation on "Protecting the environment". -        Planting flowers in the school garden.  

Earth Day

  Every year, on April 22, Earth Day is celebrated, the day when the movement to protect the environment was born. Earth Day aims to draw attention to the degradation of the environment, the effects of pollution and to initiate us on the actions that each of us can take to help conserve nature. This activity was attended by 18 students from different classes. Actions taken: Presentation on "Protecting the Earth" Making "The Three Rs" posters Making decorative objects from recyclable materials. Making drawings and stitches on environmental protection.

Mobility 4-10 April 2022 Mugla - Turkey

 The first day of activity. Participants share their personal goals/expectations. Each group presents its country/city/culture/organization. Listen to the whispers of trees - making banners. Activities to improve respect and responsibility for the environment, increased involvement of environmental activities related to climate change, cycling tour on the Karabağlar plateau. Activities in Fethiye in cooperation with the environmental NGO TURMEPA. Improve awareness and knowledge of environmental issues. Making organic products in the traditional way. Visiting the natural sights of Akyaka by boat, taking photos of endemic species. Discussing ideas for continuing the project and handing over diplomas.