International Danube Day

On June 29, 2022, within the educational activity "International Danube Day" held at the Faculty of Sciences and Environment, Galati, Department of Chemistry, Physics and Environment, a group of students from the Technological High School "Simion Mehedinti" participated, coordinated by professors Mardare Mihaela and Cîșleanu Veronica. The objectives of the activity were to make students aware of the importance of protecting water, to identify the main sources of water pollution and to find out ways to protect it. The participants in the activity were received by the lecturer univ. dr. chim. Mihaela Timofti, who spoke to the students about the Danube - the Danube is the second longest among the rivers of Europe, after the Volga – and the only one in Europe that flows from east to west. The Danube is of particular importance, both for navigation, hydropower production, or fisheries, but also for the supply of water to industry, a...